
I thought Miss Teschmacher was cosplaying as power girl

The man is a fucking genius XD

"For this beard I payed the iron price"

Thanks, for the clarification. I guess that access to the graveyard is somehow restricted ?

Yeah, shouldn't be all these pieces in a dump somewhere due the high level of radiation absorbed. If I'm not mistaken that's what happened to several rescue and military vehicles used in the disaster

Wow is he Orlando Bloom evil twin or something ? Thanks for the heads up

Maybe Orlando Bloom is playing Legolas and also Bard ?

Yeah lesser evil, I guess its the only win win option

Attempted murder, sure Sony relationship and understandings of they costumers looks way better than what Microsoft has shown but isn't the Promise Land, 3rd party pubs can still enact their crazy drm schemes

He also under Keighley pressure dropped the mic

its name is Riley, its name Riley, its name is Riley...

Doesn't look that bad, hope they tweaked the boss fights

Yep, check the related stuff attached to the article

A huge missed opportunity was not adding the sound of chirping crickets over the aborted launch of Battlefield 4 trailer

There's a man in the cloud and he is watching you drive, and he .. pretend to drive .. he can pretend.. a man in the cloud.. it's called DRIVETAR.

Kudos for the urban Khaleesi in the background

Red Hood, maybe ?

That's just rubbing salt in the wound, aww poor Microsoft

The price 399 Euro/$/£ and the way that Sony chose to handle the fruition of content on their console give them a major headstart and a helluva of momentum

The cheering when Jack reassured that the Ps4 will not follow Microsoft on Used Games/Game Sharing/and daily mandatory connection was quite loud