
I wish Apple released an auto tune version of this video

The Agepa and Nabis automatons clearly were proto Nurbemberg's maidens

If the plot goes along the line that supernatural beings exist till they had worshipper, then I can see how building a strong brand image and bombarding the consumers with ads can help this supernatural beings avoid fading out of existence

No, I think if it would be made into a pastry it would be still a donut

Great documentary by the way, very interesting and funny


Sorry, that my question have troubled you XD


Wait ... how can the anus be a cookie, isn't it more like a donut ?

Mt Rushmore that's a good one. Especially when is vandalized by the baddie which decides to carve in it his portrait


What about the White House nuked in Independence Day and Dr Evil threatening its destruction in Austin Powers The Spy Who Shagged me

Rule of thumb, if you are a mutant expect deportation

Some metahum/superhero doesn't seem to fit quite right. Namor/Acquaman no action to avoid a diplomatic accident. Alpha Flight being backed by Canadian government if it's on US soil it probably a joint operation or they already obtained the required clearance. Superman probably has been awarded with the citizenship due

In was in to that scene since he set foot in the ward and Oswin informed him that this is the ward in which the most badass Daleks were kept


Well played

Kudos to Matt Smith for acting really frightened when he found himself trapped in the special ward surrounded by Daleks that survived him

Thank you so much

Can someone enlighten me, who Shiden Yuu supposed to be ? Cyborg ?