Or the bird was smart enough to got rid of incriminating evidence?
Or the bird was smart enough to got rid of incriminating evidence?
Justice League Unlimited Animated Series: Well he express feelings for the Huntress in Double Date and we seem them planning their evening in Question Authority. But I don't know if its canon or not
Wasn't he involved with the Huntress ?
I Cut You eagle ?
Clearly Evil Abed is at work to make this timeline the darkest
The stylish Racoon with the pocket watch in the Thundercats clip is adorable
I seconded the inclusion of Last Resort on this list
My list Revolution, Arrow, Elementary (Still bugging me why they don't cast Lucy Liu as Holmes), Neighbors (I'll give it a shot); Beauty and The Beast is in my black list due to how awful was Kristin Kreuk Smallville character
it's a scientific fact an unwashed armpit can make all the difference
I guess the true story part refer to this [en.wikipedia.org]
I really enjoyed the writing on Life, and Charlie Crews character. Good Call
Awesome list, but how no love for Foosball and Nocturnal Vigilantism line : "But there can be no peace while crime dance and spits on the grave of justice, to the hot beats and infectious rhythms of all that is wrong"
I'm sorry if my comment has offended someone, I didn't think it through or realized how harsh it could sound
I guess the doctors were too eager to rule out brain damage, for Arni
I miss 3rd Rock from the sun, i loved that show and was a big fan of Harry and Don characters. Hope The Neighbors will achieve that level of wackiness
I don't recall, in the 12 Monkey was explained to whom belongs the voice that kept haunting Bruce Willis or he was getting crazy ?
@DownTheLiffeyOnADonut @Tyrunn Thanks
#cospirationtheory To me, the white stag seems like a clever product placement. By the way Charlize Theron shines in the "Snow White & the Duke's Army confront the Queen" clip
I bet the Doctor is on the way, UK after all is his backyard