
Or the bird was smart enough to got rid of incriminating evidence?

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Justice League Unlimited Animated Series: Well he express feelings for the Huntress in Double Date and we seem them planning their evening in Question Authority. But I don't know if its canon or not

Wasn't he involved with the Huntress ?

I Cut You eagle ?

Clearly Evil Abed is at work to make this timeline the darkest

The stylish Racoon with the pocket watch in the Thundercats clip is adorable

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I seconded the inclusion of Last Resort on this list

My list Revolution, Arrow, Elementary (Still bugging me why they don't cast Lucy Liu as Holmes), Neighbors (I'll give it a shot); Beauty and The Beast is in my black list due to how awful was Kristin Kreuk Smallville character

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it's a scientific fact an unwashed armpit can make all the difference

I really enjoyed the writing on Life, and Charlie Crews character. Good Call

Awesome list, but how no love for Foosball and Nocturnal Vigilantism line : "But there can be no peace while crime dance and spits on the grave of justice, to the hot beats and infectious rhythms of all that is wrong"

As I read dibbuk/dibbuq it came to mind

I'm sorry if my comment has offended someone, I didn't think it through or realized how harsh it could sound

I guess the doctors were too eager to rule out brain damage, for Arni

I miss 3rd Rock from the sun, i loved that show and was a big fan of Harry and Don characters. Hope The Neighbors will achieve that level of wackiness

I don't recall, in the 12 Monkey was explained to whom belongs the voice that kept haunting Bruce Willis or he was getting crazy ?

@DownTheLiffeyOnADonut @Tyrunn Thanks

#cospirationtheory To me, the white stag seems like a clever product placement. By the way Charlize Theron shines in the "Snow White & the Duke's Army confront the Queen" clip

I bet the Doctor is on the way, UK after all is his backyard