
Come back in two years. Let’s revisit the topic. lolz

OH WOW SO FAST STI!! Way to go Suabr... oh wait nobody else even tries to race there. Subbie fan boys will love this record, typical, just like the highway racers I see. Marking their win colums, against people who don’t even know they’re supposed to be racing.

But F1 drivers aren’t pussies like you. So they’d be allright.

BMW’s are much more reliable, than these new Volvo turbo/sc I4s

“the Volvo will catch up to the Germans or the Japanese without a problem.

cool story bro

This has been common knowledge for anyone who has ever bothered to search Hennessy performance. There have been countless stories of him scamming the Viper guys looking for more power, and then camaros, vettes, mustangs etc. I pity anyone dumb enough to pay this fat scam artist $1 Million plus for their stretched

I spotted the ignorant moron.

Wow. So they fixed the ugly rear end, and fucked up the front end now.

That’s a long time to make a wannabe R8. Losers.

Sure, it’s fun. Of course it is fun.

I am.

Welcome to Jalopnik...

He hit a Hyundai, so really nobody cares.

Pretty stupid to even consider the Mustang in the same league as the GT-R Nismo or GT3. It’s like putting a downs syndrome kid in a class full of straight A honor roll students. You’re just setting him up for failure.

Just call it a marvel, a very ugly, bland, crappy interrior filled marvel. It’s the rich man’s Gayburu.

Ugly fast Maxima demands your respect! But it cannot demand your love.

Current pussies of the Auto industry. Everything they make is lethargic and offensive looking toasters. Their glory day was in the 90s early 2000s, supras, celicas, sc300 etc.

Oh you’re trying to say you have a Bentley or RR?

Anytime I see a Frs-Brz driving on the road I can’t help but think what a complete idiot the guy driving is. I’d rather drive a riced out 99 civic.