
You’re talking to Subaru here tho, they are stuck in the ancient 90s rally glory world and technhology. These idiots couldn’t build a engine to last them 1 mile past 50k. Also partnered with the pussies of the auto industry aka Toyota.

Yes we know, but since we are talking about the engines, It needs to be wasteful too lol.

But then it’s not a Bentley or RR. The main point of these cars is excessive wastefulness. If it’s not doing 8mpg while cruising or less, it’s not right.

As ugly as that Bentley is it’s much better looking than that POS Tesla. Oh great it can launch like a bat out of hell on a full charge. Great. What about half charge? What about after it hits 100mph? I know from good experience that any Tesla Model S/X, if you try to race one from a roll they end up dead in the

Wait what? Is it a R32 or R34?

Ahh right, I’m not familiar with Saabs. Or Saaburus.

I didn’t know these had turbo V6s.... I thought they were the turbo flat 4 from the WRX.

That’s cool. But it would need something replaced every 10 miles. Looks like a 4 door ‘70 camaro.

It’s ok to be wrong.

True rebel here! Most people and critics and design reviews overall all agree with the 6 GC being a gorgeous looking car. What merits do you have to judge it and call others differing opinons wrong? LOL. You really need your eyes checked...

Awwwww so cuteeeeeeeeee! Keep going kid, you’ll catch up to the cool kids one day.

The panels gaps can sometimes be overlooked, but that interior quality? Fuck. No. This isn’t a cheap 30K car, it’s near 60K. This is the kind of shit that keeps high volume Italian brands from the mass market in the states. Maybe Europeans don’t care.

I hate every person who buys one and pretends its a Bentley or something special.

Give them a break, they’re NYers. Hard work and endurance isn’t their strong suit.

Driving or touching anything American. yuck.

It’s not a Hyundai, that’s for sure LOLLL

You really don’t know what luxury is do you?

Anything old and cheap with a light clutch.

That cop needs to go to jail or at least lose his god damn license for 2 years. He needs to be charged with wreckless driving and endangering the public... you know, the exact opposite of what his job requires. Fucking clown.

“My hope is that the vast majority of Sanders supporters who are intelligent, invested people will use the momentum from his success to run candidates and pay attention to non presidential elections.”