
I sat in one once. It’s small on the inside big on the outside. HEmi? Coool, still can’t turn. Built of the old MB architecture, The SRT was fast in a straight line but that too 13 second 1/4 mile for 425hp... not that impressive. Comfy cruiser? Not really, the suspension wasn’t comfortable nor was it sporty for

That Aston won’t make it.


The Chrysler 300, your drug dealers wannabe Bentley.

You respect the 300? LOLLLLL Respect my trash can too then. garbage ass cars.

I remember my parents telling me stories about how taking a flight in the mid 70s was an adventure and a special experience. These days it’s something people try to actively avoid.

Pan Am? Jesus man you must be old as fuck looolll

Look at the idiot driver of the camera car pull over into the carnage and not on the fucking right side of the road with absolutely no debris. Probably a woman.

Wayyy too long. Did not read.

Yup. Never seen a dirty KLM flight.