
LGBTQ are evil so the game is on point.  Fight me.  

“Hey Herb, whaddya reckon’d be the most blatantly evil thing Konami could do with Metal Gear?”

LOL, all the games I listed are major franchises that have lineage dating back to PS1, PS2 era. I’m curious, which of these games have you not heard of?

Its OK there will be another COD in November. Probably another Gears and Halo also

I love my XB1, but the one game? Not Bloodborne or Uncharted 4 or Nioh, or The Last Guardian, etc.?

He’s not wrong.

I started with Chris', which taught me the controls and how to balance shooting and melee. Leon's campaign starts with controls that aren't standard for the game (no sprinting, no stamina gauge at first). Jake's campaign jumps around. So I'd start with Chris, as non-RE as it is, get a feel for it, then go to Leon.