
oh god I'm an idiot. Shame me please.

I think the best use of exposition post-action comes in Watchmen (the terrific book, not the movie). SPOILER ALERT- "I did it 30 minutes ago" is still one of my favorite reveals from any piece of media.

Small correction- but it's actually Plato who came up with the Allegory of the Cave.

Whenever I get mad at Keanu, I just load up Bill and Ted and revel in its glory.

How so? IMHO, that movie SUCKED. Talk about over-thinking an interesting concept.

I think you undersold the betrayal of Cypher. Remember, Neo is special- he got out of the Matrix as an adult. Every other Matrix'd human is found at a young age and observed for their potential ability to accept the real world. Even though their intentions are pure, no child can fully understand the consequences of