
Wonder if Malofiy's tongue will work so much when they send him the bill.

Heavens, no!

It is being brought by Warner/Chappell and not Page and Plant. Their statement said they want to put this behind them; no reason not to believe them.

And 60s/70s kids. Chris Carter was born in 1957.

38 Sticks

And hobbits making love in freedom!

He could've led to Mary's assassination, which would hurt John quite a lot. He and Mycroft also had some strange connections. Sherlock wasn't protecting himself: he was protecting those he loves. (Some sociopath.)

People didn't kill him for the same reason Mary didn't: to protect those they love (or themselves). He spent his life gathering information to hold over people, and torture them, which he enjoys. Which is why Sherlock hates him so viscerally: he gathers information to help people. When it became personal, involving

May I just say how much I enjoy your posts. Also, how much I agree. You put me in mind of my husband's work as a potter: he makes a lot of bowls. They are quite beautiful, but they are useful, too. To some people we must say "these are microwave and dishwasher safe" and to others we say "thank you, yes they are