The Dictator's Mom Loves

Her marriage lasted longer than mine and I'm a normal well adjusted adult. I feel like I have some how failed in life.

North Idaho.

I live in a state that has no licensing board, background checks are optional, a governor that believes molestation cases are the fault of the mother because she was at work, and last year it was legal to smoke and drink in home daycares. Freeways are the least of my concerns.

Time away from my child makes me a better parent. It makes the time I have with her very special and although I was layed off and have been home she still goes to day school to be with tiny people her own age and spends time with the grandparents. I think it makes her more well rounded and she takes transitions a lot

I think I'm at the other end of the ocean here. I didn't breastfeed because it was uncomfortable and I never produced enough so I stopped trying, I went back to work before my maternity leave was over because I really missed working, and me time is effing AWESOME. I am a single parent with great parents who have

It's not an amount that is picked out of the sky, it depends on both parents incomes and other factors. What I get sounds high but with his income and what it takes to raise a child it's really not. Children should be cared for to the best of both parent's abilities.

I love your response but I'm going chime in on this. As an ex wife that the current wife finds to be the most horrible person in the world it doesn't matter what I do with the money, they would think I'm spending it incorrectly. But it's not their buisness. My child well taken care of, better than most children even

Please keep us updated when the glorious event happens! !(the boobs not the baby :-) )

There are many great places in Montana, but I think the lack of shock stems from a football team being involved. Not to say all football teams are monsters (I'm a fan of the game and my Gators) but if this story came from another small town with a team like Moscow or Pullman I think the reaction would be the same.

I was in full make up and a pant suit, but to be fair I gave birth while at work.

But yoga pants are the only pants that fit now.

There isn't suppose to be sex acts for money but my fear was what if the man thought "I ponied up money she needs to pony up the goods" Then something tragic happens. We live day to day and that' fine. It gets better but I can see where these sites can be used out of desperation and that can become dangerous.

I'm a single mom and a misplaced government worker. I blew though savings to keep a roof over our heads and food in the house. One week came where I was down to the last bit of rations and rent was due the next week. I joined What' (a sister site to this one) In my desperation I looked at my child, my

It's the beginning of tourist season so that really unlikely that it will even be there tomorrow.

Some kids took chalk and tagged the town with Kony 2012 everywhere, the city maintenance guys are pretty pissed because they have to go scrub it off.

Even though it was controversial it made you think. Remember when Girls Gone Wild was vulgar and we worried about how it would affect our girls? Now dancing on a pole is cool for 10 year old's and there's a culture of exploitation. I'm not a prude but I expect certain standards and our that our media treats us as

I'm 30 and I remember the Clinton years as a time when women had endless possibilities, no one questioned the need for women's health, and college was not for snobs, it was a goal that should be worked towards and achieved. Now I'm older and I have a daughter of my own and a failed marriage. There are factions that

When I worked in child development I used it to describe kids that had just had their birthdays and were still transitioning to that age in regards to development. My daughter just turned three a few months ago and is till hitting that ages stages and milestones.

When I was very young I wanted to be a nun. There was a very simple beauty in the eyes of the Virgin Mary in the paintings I saw and I wanted that. It was an idea though that was discouraged by my family even though they were Catholic. As I grew up I strayed from the church and am a Mom but I still wonder what it

I have a very very young three year old and unless she saw me fall she would chalk it up to mommy sleeping on the floor and an open invite to raid the pantry and my purse gum. If anything happens to me I'm so screwed.