The Dictator's Mom Loves

My Grandmother took DES. She had Breast Cancer and my mom had it also. There's plenty of studies that prove there is an increased risk. There are also other cancer risks you need to be vigilant about.

I watched my father, massive steel house of a man, have it explained to him that his daughter had been taken and raped. He quietly nodded his head as the details were explained and gave very short answers. After that he was very calm when he spoke about it and almost surreal. In private it destroyed him for a long

I have sheep and they are very well cared for. If we have a lamb born and the mom doesn't care for it or its sick it comes inside and is taken care of in the mudroom. When we lose babies its very sad. There's an attachment but once they get old enough and become part of the herd that's where the pet like attachment

This Mommy does kill animals. Farming puts food on my table, money in the bank, and a roof over our heads. My animals are raised with respect and treated better than most people treat their pets. I hand deliver each animal and care for them till the day they leave. If you choose to eat meat and have the ability to do

[] I found one for you about there stance on breed bans.

This happened because we have only two abortion providers in the state, no access to low cost birth control, and an education system that promotes women to being baby factories post high school graduation. We have a governor that told us on the floor of the senate that he WOULD NOT make background checks for daycare

Yes we have safe haven laws but there isn't a large campaign letting people know about it. Idaho has a terrible history of how it treats its women and children. Livestock have more rights protecting them then we do.

This would be where I rise from the dead and haunt the shit out of her. As I'm floating though the hallways in my hauntin' outfit and Zac Baggins is chasing after me with an EVP reader I scream "Wheres your Jesus and your Glizt now bitch"

Of course the comings and goings of rich white children and who they want to kiss is far more pressing than the systematic murder of black people is a third world country to Jesus, pffff.

I've it more in areas where Russian women are taken advantage of as sex workers. In Spokane there is a big Russian population and that seems to be the sterotype where as when I lived in Tampa FL they weren't so much sex kittens as just rude to people and Jewish. I think the steorotype is very regional. Again in

There was so much to be a offended by I couldn't choose one. Buying and selling women is one, the horrible culture stereotypes that Russian women are passive man pleasing sex-bots, and the way men view women with heads on their shoulders stands out. My ancestors didn't live though famines, Nazis, and Siberia so that I

I'm Russian-American and I'm just offended. I don't have a reason but the offended part of my brain is lit up like my Bubbie on Thanksgiving.

My ex is like this. Each ring has been paid off from the previous relationship around the time the divorce from the current wife starts. I've needed a chart from time to time to figure it out.

It was horrible! I got my walking papers and was on a plane four days later. Baby C-List was a not a practicably well baby at the time and I know it was bad for everyone on the plane. The staff was also not very nice when I asked for help boarding I was told I should of been better prepared and thought to BRING help

Sometimes you have to travel with babies out of need not want. Trust me I didn't want to do a cross country trip with a three month old but no one asked me if I wanted the divorce either.

I live north of her near the Canadian border and medical care is sparse if not non existent. The northern part of the state has a PP in Spokane where they legally can not offer Idaho residents a sliding scale for service. We have no options for birth control and in the event of needing an abortion its a $700 dollar

The written form of Mmmmm makes me sick. I want a vote removing it from all text unless it has to do with soup.

I feel really dirty that I clicked on that at work....NSFW or life.

Even if I was to go to the one in Spokane I would have to pay full price dispite my income and I am pretty sure they can not bill my MC. This happened once when I was working for AmeriCorps and I had to go to PP for a cancer screening due to the crapness of the insurence. I recived I pretty big bill after and there

The crap part is your neighboors to the east (Idaho) can not get free care from WA PPs (Last I checked because Idaho was trying to pass a law limiting our ability to use WA PP services) and Idaho has like two in the state. Even for a medical pelvic exam or meds we have very little options and underfunded health