
I read this article and understood nothing. It feels like what I would write in high-school if my teacher told me she needed 2000 words, so I would have an introduction and an end with a verbose middle portion which simply repeats upon it self a few dozen times with no real focus.

Welp, guess I’ll buy one on eBay after people lose interest in it.

So it was good back then? Or we just didn’t know any better? Also tedious menu driven battles and random encounters are kinda major design pillars for JRPGs. And have been for forever. So I don’t get your argument.

You know a genre has solid gameplay when speeding it up to get through it faster and ignoring it completely are enchantments to the game’s enjoyment.

You should be assigned a private ID that only Sony knows, and then your handle. When someone bans you, or ignores you, or puts you on mute what they’re really doing is banning, ignoring or muting your private ID.

That way, no matter what you choose to call yourself going forward, the information is carried inside of

I would argue PCs are a waste, if all you’re interested in is playing games.

Switch controller ports, Snake!

Well, Starcraft 2 finally looks vaguely interesting, but at the same time I’m even LESS impressed with Blizzard than...ever(?). They used to make great things...

Don’t get me wrong, the stuff they make now isn’t BAD. It’s competent and highly polished, but it does that without being remotely interesting or having a

“Why the new Apple TV will kill your Xbox or Playstation,” wrote Cult of Mac

If Nintendo has prooved something over the decades is that its not about quantity, its about quality. I’ll take a game like Mario World any day over 100 Apple games. Each system’s exclusives are enough to obliterate all of Apples whole selection.

Man, the later models of PS3 sure were ugly little bastards, weren’t they?

Funny. I’ve had the same PSN name since 2008. Never once even occurred to me to change it. First initial. Last name. Boom. Done. No need to ever change. If someone, 9 years ago, thought RagingDingleberry69 was cool, that’s their own fault for not having foresight.

Or basic social media functionality.

Or they just want to make things more like your typical social media. This is basically Facebook messenger without having to deal with Facebook. Edit: Or just plain old SMS/MMS

My take-away from this is that I love that we live in a world where Playboy uploads Let’s Plays of Nintendo games.

I’d prefer to see legitimate, well thought out and balanced levels akin to mario expansion levels than creative hell levels. I mean, there’s room for both but I know we’ll definitely have a heck of a lot less legitimate levels and a lot more lulzzzzz this is so hardzzz levels.

We’re talking about why the iPhone does so well today, not about the pre-smartphone world.

So, a game designed around motion controls turn out to be more fun when played the way it was intended.

I'm ok with racist white murricans being stuck with what they hate.