Here's a list of kinect games for Xbox One.
Here's a list of kinect games for Xbox One.
"We're effectively street performers: we go out there and sing and dance and if we do a good job, people throw coins into the hat. And I think that's the way games should be, because paying $60 up front to take a gamble on whether the game is good or not? You don't get that money back."
That would be great, except every free-to-play game I've tried makes the game as drawn out, boring, and/or frustrating as possible to encourage you to throw money at it. How is any of that entertaining?
No, free to play is the kind of game people want when their payed model is so bad and failed.
Sacrilegious? Who gives a shit. Religion is terrible as a whole.
That wasn't his point. The PS4 and the XB1 has android/iOS apps that install on your phones or tablets that can then be used as second screens for games you are playing. I have both setup for my PS4 and XB1 and the features are pretty damn neat and has parity with what the WiiU gives a person with the controller. …
Beat me to it. I wouldn't even have one if it was free.
Fixed the title (and technically, the whole article) for you...
One has to ask though: How is it a prank if it's painfully obvious to everyone that the video was a fake to begin with? It's like telling someone you saw a dinosaur in the backyard and instantly yelling "GOTCHA!"
Thankfully I played the beta. And it helped me make the informed decision of not to buy this game.
The japanese market tends to gravitate towards slim/sleek devices. Those things you listed might not help too much considering MS consoles are usually the biggest of their respective console generations.
Well, no X1 in Japan means little or no games from Japan, and those that do come to it will be multiplatform. So if that's true it just made my console decision trivially easy.
Doesn't surprise me. Why would MSoft spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on hardware and marketing when no one buys the thing.
Yeah. Maybe it would work if the Wii U was a traditional console? They seem to be stuck between two audiences, and are paying the price.
Wait... Wait... Wii and DS had online services?
Definitely soon, but they gotta do something to get some WiiU uptake.
So, the Kinect was Microsfots take on the PlayStation Eye Toy from the PS2, right?