
Hating a company because of their politics, treatment of their customers, and general business practices, is somehow not being an adult? I guess I was sick those those days in school when we discussed these things.

I feel the same way. I don’t like any of Namco’s games and while they sold pretty decently I don’t think that it was a game changer. Without Namco the PS1 would have still been a massive hit.

Its actually a lot more complex. Studies show that Jurys find defendants that are wearing glasses, for example, innocent more often than those not wearing glasses. All of the normal biases that people have in the real world, play just as big of a role in a Jury as the “facts” (which are all subjective anyway) 

How you think the world should work, and how it actually works, are two completely different things. The tone, the words used, and hell even the outfit that each person is wearing, plays a huge role in whether or not a jury is going to side with them.

I agree with you in part. There is absolutely nothing out right now that screams “YOU MUST HAVE VR!” Other than RE7 there is no large/AAA game that utilizes VR through the entire game, and no RPG’s at all that do. Nothing but glorified demos, and an occasional time killer like Fruit Ninja VR.

While I agree with the sentiment, how do you think “shit” itself got into the dictionary? At one point it was just a non-sense slang term.

Yeah no matter how hard I try to “twist” the original into the edited one in my brain, I just cannot “see” it. As some said, they are trying way too hard with this one.

I don’t think this is strictly the case, from personal experience. Certainly the outrage is echoed by more people when its the dominate group, and this may make it seem like its only them complaining, but being in the dominate group but not identifying with them, and not identifying with most of the other groups

I would agree, though its not specific to straight white male, its more of a “why is there anything but my world view in this game” This isnt unique to straight white males, in fact I would say its pretty rampant with all races, genders, sexual preferences, religions and viewpoints.

Cheap MicroSD cards are cheap. By this I mean that their read/write speeds are abysmal and they don’t have great longevity. If you are going to use a MicroSD card for large games and play regularly, do not cheap out. Pay very close attention to the read/write speeds, this will be _crucial_ on the Switch. It

I don’t think they do.

I do not think this is true at all. Most of the people I know IRL, including myself, did not get enough value out of the WiiU. I bought a WiiU over three years ago, and I have only bought Mario Kart 8, Xenoblade, Dr Luigi and Windwaker HD. Thats it. Over the entire life of the console I got a Dr Mario clone, a

Both Sony and Microsoft have been taking a hit on their console price for every generation they have been a part of, to sell it at a more reasonable price to consumers because they make the money on software titles. Nintendo is not confident enough in their hardware to take a loss on it, because if there isn’t a

Knowing Nintendo, they will be sold out for months anyway, lack of supply.

What you say is 100% true, yet (standard) menus are still vastly easier to navigate with a directional pad than with an analog stick. The D pad is more responsive (no dead zone like an analog has) and its unambiguous (left means left, not left and every so slightly up means maybe left, maybe up, maybe left and up?)

Since when does the price get a pass just because it has expensive tech in it? Sony found out quite quickly with the PS3 that thats not true, not true at all.

This sounds good saying it, but is a terrible, terrible idea in practice (and nobody does this).

Sony did it right. They didn’t charge for their first iteration of their online service, and when they did start charging for it, it included monthly free games and extra discounts.

Nintendo has not been online for two generations. They have had a minimal, barely functioning, ad-hoc online service for select games (and an online store), sure. But that hardly qualifies as an online service.

These were mostly ad-hoc or game specific online. There has never really been a “Nintendo Online”