
you do realize that hes said equally abhorrent things every week for the past 5 years, yes? That required no media manipulation from anyone. And that NBC was sitting on that footage until a Post reporter demanded access? If you think this was the media holding an October surprise you really need to study how much

How DARE you say such terrible things about Totino’s Pizza Rolls!

So, what are the odds that this video was leaked by Billy Bush on behalf of Jeb? It’s unlikely. But that would be great. “I’m a nice guy but I’m weak, huh? You just got Jebbed muthufucka.”

He also physically abused and then raped his first wife. He apparently did this because he was angry at her that his scalp reduction surgery to correct a bald spot had been painful—so to punish her he beat and then raped her.

How is nobody giving Trump credit for inventing the precursor to the “Fuck her right in the pussy” meme?

I’m going to really enjoy listening to Hillary saying the word “pussy” this week.

Oh fuck you NBC, you’re the ones who foisted him on us in the first place, giving him legitimacy even when he was pulling his birther nonsense. You know they must have unaired footage of him in the Apprentice board room saying offensive things about women, where is that? The contestants said it happened and there’s

Imagine the insult of being sued for thinking inside the box.

Or be on the receiving end of labial suit.

Now, be careful. You don’t want to be labia-ed a sexist.

I’ve never even contemplated grabbing a woman by the vagina, but this is a majora issue!

Question for the ladies:

The Washington Post has actually been doing this for quite some time; unfortunately, they just don’t have the same reach as the NYT.

In my super red Southeastern state, there’s a lot of people moaning about not knowing who to vote for / whether to vote. I think Trump broke them, but they can’t admit Clintons the better option after decades of voting Red. I’m taking it as a good sign because any other year, I’d see a lot more Clinton is literally

You’d be surprised. Apparently there are a lot of people who somehow manage to stay out of the whole media news cycle until about October, and then they decide, because they haven’t really cared up until then.

Yes, stay active. Send money. And get your asses to vote, esp. those of you in Penn., VA, Ohio, and Fla.

It’s been hilarious watching the CNN apologists (mostly employees) try to explain this one. “Well, they always have both sides blahdeblah...” When you ask then why was Donna Brazile made to leave CNN when she took over as head of the DNC, you get silence.

1st American killed by British soldiers was a freed black man at the Boston massacre, so whenever a white person says black people should leave ‘their’ country, just be sure to point out that black people have fought and died in every war the US has participated in, often at much higher rates than their white

When speaking out will likely tank your entire career, it’s not an easy thing to do. Easy to judge from the outside.