Desi Arnaz

Where’s the rap remix of this?

How so?

LOL that’s another one I forgot to add. Please stop.

If Don Lemon says Go Fuck Yourselves to all Trump supporters, it would make my year.

Clapping during Star Wars, Tesla announcements, or any tech events must stop for reals.

This looks like Oakland.

Damn, that shit was gangsta as hell.

I miss when the presidency was presidential.

Paulie Cicero — You can call me the Don.

Things got really dark slowly.

Thanks for this video, Hannah! My new year’s resolution to lose my appetite is going strong.


Stop the clock, Aimee. Porgs are not real? Excuse you?!

How the fuck was this allowed?

Why is this engine available? What happened to the car?


Oh, God. Not what I wanted to be reminded of in 2018.

A video visor, a web camera, something called a Sky Rim, and two glowing light dildos in one bundle? Christmas is finally here!

A video visor, a web camera, something called a Sky Rim, and two glowing light dildos in one bundle? Christmas is