Desi Arnaz

Thank you for a great year. Happy Holidays!

Avant-garde lesbian expressionism. Love it!

Ariel is a pretty gay name for a bro.

I’m only doing the good Lord’s work. At least she’s not Chinese with champagne Merc with lucky numbers 777 and 888 on her license plate.

Did president Obama by any chance sign a bill that says eating human feces is illegal? I’d like to see that overturned.

I hate this man. I’m genuinely sick of this portly butterball ruining this country.

Blah blah Julie. There’s your answer.

You are a true C with a D. Love it!

As Univision company, do you guys not report under the same company mission statement? You guys are reporting on the good/bad reasons about gifting an echo. What’s the deal?

They are being bullied by the children of the corn?

Do you really want poor people to wear a brand that’s been bankrupt twice?

Grenades in shoes. How tidy!

Interesting. Thought he’d ride a younger horse.

Heard Roy Moore will win in the low teens.

I too give birth to rocks every day after taking iron deficiency pills.

Of course her name is Kayla!

Can someone translate Trump’s tweets? All I see is shit emojis.

What are the qualifications to be a jalop?

A CaT? A CoconuT? A CheaT? Why won’t you tell us Megyn Kelly you, c**t!