Seems like a nice column shifter would be a much cleaner approach.
Seems like a nice column shifter would be a much cleaner approach.
Here’s the Toyota Supra Face before you’re supposed to see it.
Sweet a truck with a bed just big enough to hold my protein supplements and gallon jug of water!
Give them time. Chrysler has been producing defective vehicles for decades.
“Hey Honey, I bet I can smuggle 200lbs of uncut cocaine into the USA”
This is a very tough one. As an unabashed FC lover, allow me to elaborate.
The paradox of Mustangs is that they are so ensconced with the fashion of the day that they are just as embarrasing to be seen in 15 years later. To say they Mustangs are timeless is to say parachute pants are timeless. But, much like fashion their attractiveness comes back in style eventually (except Mustang IIs —…
Can you imagine a car company doing something like that today? Circumventing a bad review by just... going to geographical places where that review would most likely to hold the least amount of weight?
“And that a lot of obvious jokes were probably made across the internet.”
I don’t know, I saw a BMW with working turn signals the other day.
Finding a specific Subaru in Portland. This should be fun.
Mr. Charles’ show was called “Jokesters in Vehicles Acquiring Java”. Totally different show.
You could say their Acura-cy was Legend-ary.
I’d much rather make a rube goldberg machine of mirrors so that the sunlight is redirected through some big magnifying glasses to burn a hole into the AudiQ5 or Lexus RX that’s been tailgating me for 20 minutes even though the left lane is open and clear, just fucking pass me susan I can’t go any faster