
How incredibly unprofessional of you.

“It’s free so don’t complain when it’s bad” is really not the strongest defense against criticism, you have to admit.

Because it’s so gratifying when the writers come into the comments section to mean-girl anyone with anything remotely critical to say! No honestly, it’s because there are occasionally worthwhile discussions to be had with other commenters here about feminism, while you guys are busy trying to out-cool each other.

Lookit them get all bent out of shape because you, the idiot internet reader, clicked on the dumb content it is their job to produce.

It is very ... “lol, you can’t sit at our lunch table, losersayswhat”

They really do. It’s very boring. I miss old Jezebel. This new era of articles about something someone did on Instagram interspersed here and there with shallow political coverage and smarmy clickbait is really not very fun.

Man these "generic for the purpose of making a point" articles are getting insufferable.

Hey Honey,

Do you really not have a computer in your kitchen?

Umm, I’m sorry, but this is not one of those MTV rock-n-roll-threads you kids are all so crazy about these days. John Kasich does not have any Taylor Swift tickets for you, so I really have no idea why you bothered.

“Well now you’ve commented, so don’t let me keep you from getting back to that kitchen, now. Seriously. Step on it.”

anyone else just...really tired,

because this is usually the result when politicians eat in front of the camera.

Now playing

Yeah, the crime bill Bernie voted for because it included the Violence Against Women Act, the one he pushed hard to change because he predicted at the time it would lead to mass incarceration. That crime bill.

Jezebel also refuses to address issues with Hillary like Haiti, Honduras, and her strong encouragment of fracking overseas (especially in Bulgaria) while she was Secretary of State. In fact, the only people regularly calling her on it are Mother Jones and the Intercept (with WaPo surprisingly going after her for Haiti

You should probably read what he said about the bill though, because he voted for it because expanded protections against women and because the House version also had a ban on assault weapons (but I guess that makes it harder to see him as a gun nut who is anti-women like the Clinton camp likes to portray him). In

But it’s not just that. We could start at the beginning, and recall that Bill Clinton got elected by forcing the execution of a severely mentally handicapped man (mental age of approximately five) in order to prove to white people that he was not soft on either crime or black people. That alone turns my stomach, but

Bill apologized for it until he defended it today so that “apology” is meaningless.

HAH that’s what I came here to say.

Did someone smack her in the lips with it? That’s freaking cruel.