Wow, good on Honda for doing it’s part at keeping it’s customers informed on safety issues. So this is what the Civic Type-R designers were busying doing...hmm.
First: Toyota has been tweaking it’s Synergy Hybrid system for over a decade now. When it first debuted (way back in 1997), it was revolutionary and innovative. If it aint broke, don’t try to fix it. This seems to have been Toyota’s approach. And boy has it proven successful. Now that competitors are starting to offer…
I understand the cost saving measure. Are ambulance rides usually paid out of pocket or are some covered by health insurance?
Someone pleeeaase buy this along with some other Playmobil vehicles and do a Playmobil Doug review.
We had a Toyota Celsior (LS400 twin) as well. Not one problem, it’s still floating around the family somewhere.
I’ll be sure to tell 14yr old me!
Perhaps there isn’t an issue with motor mounts now. When my family checked in 2010, the parts + labor were ungodly. Keep in mind this is coming from a family who was given the E38 and had no business with a BMW at all.
The E38 was such a good car. We had one in my family until it got too expensive to maintain. For some reason 14yr old me was fascinated by decade old (1997) navigation system this thing had. It still worked in 2010! And of course I got my fair share of punishments for over-stretching the rear sunshades later deemed…
Mmm Hayabusa swap wants a piece of that Jip.
1st: I just wish someone would stress the importance of using premium fuel in cars that require it. My mother’s car requires it and she insist “it’s alright, im saving money.” Not only is it not healthy for the vehicle but you get less MPG.
Having an accident is different from just being involved in one. Didn’t think id have to explain but hey ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This is good considering ambulances tend to have lots and lots of accidents...or so I have heard.
Turn Up! the boost!!!
Because Rangers don’t have V8's and because F-150's are a bit to big for what I had in mind.