
There’s exactly one argument for allowing fighting in hockey. It has nothing to do with “policing the game” or any of the other bullshit arguments out there. It is the exactly same argument that Jim Jeffries makes about the lack of gun control in America. The only argument is, “Fuck off, I like hockey fights.”

Nobody would care there weren’t any people of color in this game if the dev didn’t dog whistle all over the place that there were no black people.

Why is this place still a school?

“Hold up! Hold up!...”

Your fundamental wrongness here is that you presume the only parents directing their children towards other sports/activities are “entitled, overly sheltered.” There are a LOT of parents who care about their childrens’ neurological well being, you just don’t seem to be one of them.

“Kick the rocks on Friday that others will think to kick on Monday.” - Jason Whitlock

Ah, Vegas haters. We love them. Keep coming and depositing your hard-earned money, all the while acting as if WE are the rubes. We’ll thank you and go back to our suburban homes, churches, stores, parks, and schools (yes, we actually have all of those things).

If this was a first offense I’d be more willing to accept it from him, but when you’ve pretty much made a career out of hot flaming dumpster fire takes, your “I’m ACTUALLY sorry for this one” rings pretty hollow. Fuck that guy.

I blame the over saturation of anti-heroes from the 80's and 90's and conservative push to mythologize the foundation of the USA and evangelize unrestrained capitalism. Assholes became successful and were constantly being shown as being right when the system told them otherwise. I mean Rick is basically a God for

It’ll really rock your world when you see that not all Republicans are racists either.

“ I was bringing you your money, but I’m broke down on 95, in Attleboro “

Well then it’s good that you know that now. You can make a more enlightened decision at the polls next time.

Ty Cobb wasn’t much better,when it came to being a decent human being,so fuck both of them.

Beltre tested positive for PEDS in 2003. So why subtract Palmiero and A-Rod but not Beltre?

Honestly, just about everyone was using in the late 90s//early 2000's so this whole game of asterisk and subtractions is just pointless. All three are amazing baseball players better than most of their peers.

Wow, Deadspin remains committed to calling this show “All takes matter” even though that isn’t it’s name. Is it named something different in the East Coast, or is it just a bad joke? This show is called Speak For Yourself.

Just really bad decision makers who supported a bigot.

Good thing the police have argued, won, and established in multiple courts that they have no obligation to protect anyone then, eh?

1. Yes. I have a Prius. Everything else is wrong.

Beautiful, beautiful work, Sam.