Another entitled American white boy, embarrassing the United States on an international stage. Who does that remind me of? Hmm?
Another entitled American white boy, embarrassing the United States on an international stage. Who does that remind me of? Hmm?
You realize you are making a “let them eat cake” argument right? You are arguing that access to competitive online gaming should be restricted for poor or working class people. That makes you an asshole, congratulations!
I found the libertarian!
“He started inventing stuff” This is a baseless assertion. Unless you are in the Red Sox clubhouse every day, you have no idea what he is upset about, so instead you just assume he’s making something up. Then you tell him “just pitch” as if he works for you. He doesn’t. Maybe don’t make judgements about people you…
In my experience, these kinds of trolls or as bad or worse people in real life. Judging from some of his responses, that is the case with him.
The problem isn’t that Trump is a Russian agent, it’s that members of his past and current inner circle are. Most notably at this point Jared Kushner, who was clearly colluding with the Russians, and that doesn’t even take into account the mess that is Paul Manafort.
Hideki Matsui was a leader on the Yankees for years. That argument is ridiculous. Stop being an apologist for racism.
As soon as I read the headline, I wondered if his criticism would be of the racist, or “angry old ballplayer hates the showboating of today’s player” variety. Turns out of course, it was both. Sigh.
Justin Schultz is giving back some (not all by any means though) of the big payday he doesn’t deserve but will definitely get after this year. He’s a 6th defenseman and a 2nd unit power play guy, but because of his teammates and Mike Sullivan’s often perfect player deployments, teams are going to be fooled into…
Claiming Crosby was absent is ridiculous. Geno had three shifts the whole game that were impactful. Sid was creating something on every shift.
“Notch” is an asshole.
I think most of the in game conspiracy theories are nonsense. The one thing that I think everyone knows is true is the lottery for Crosby was 100% rigged. EVERYONE knew he was going to Pittsburgh or the team would leave town because Penguins fans are about as loyal as Thrashers fans (what happened to them?).
I enjoy Deadspin’s tennis coverage, but I don’t understand the amount of time and “ink” wasted on this player who has accomplished exactly Jack and shit throughout his career. So, he has potential and a temper, who cares? Maybe put a spotlight on players that actually win matches hmmmm?
Been to several WNBA games and had an excellent time at all of them. So,no, you didn’t “fix” it. I imagine an inbuilt, previous bias driven home by preconceived notions and certain repetitive media messages influenced your feelings on that score.
I went to an Arena Legaue game once, it was so bad and boring we left mid way through. That is all. ;0)
Damn it, you had to run it by being humble and polite in your response! :0) Apologies for my tone. Thanks for being decent.
Scot House is clearly just an alias of Sean Hannity.
Your lack of reading comprehension skills are showing. I never claimed it was a UFC fight. HumanAbyss said “it’s Russia, what safety protocols?” implying that other MMA promotions give a crap about the safety of their fighters. He’s wrong, they only care about them to the point they can bleed them dry for revenue. MMA…
Yeah, because they care SO MUCH about fighter safety in UFC. It’s human cockfighting anyway you slice it.