
I’m in the same boat, except I hadn’t touched it before (yet somehow, probably thanks to Trump (the Hearthstone one), I already knew units by name), and I’m 6-0 so far. I’m both obsessed and mad with power.

Sounds a lot like what happened with Diablo 3. Not a terrible game when it came out, but so many things were wrong that it was hard to like what was actually good about it.

Took them a bit longer to release their expansion, but it solved just about every major issue with the game and made it feel so much better. Seems

Yeah, and remember Desert of Exile’s Ztera and Zuma, Ranger/Bear combo?

Nobody does, that’s ok. We remember.

It sounds like they are trying not to just shrug and give in though. From what little experience I have in design, it sounds like they just aren’t willing to settle for the “I guess this works” solution to letting players practice things. It really does sound like they have a few ideas as to how to do this right, but

So, for the sake of clarity, is he still associated with The Last Guardian project?

I’m particularly confused because his new studio’s logo shows up before The Last Guardian, but is tagged “Creative by genDESIGN”, and am having a particularly difficult time parsing what exactly that means. Is it just that he/they did

So, interestingly enough, I know exactly how you feel, and I'm more than just ok with it, I rather enjoyed the difficulty gating.