
You forgot “gluten free”, “man-splaining”, and “woke”, preventing you the buzzword bingo.

Well, I’m truly sorry that you feel that just because people don’t share your view of a candidate means that they obviously must not have take the election seriously.

Not too busy, but just didn’t want to:

But this diatribe was totally worth his time.

Weren’t you too busy to vote yesterday?

I thought so too but it was after 2am, kid was probably struggling to stay awake.

The waiter at Olive Garden to refill his basket of endless breadsticks.

Everything is fucking.

Reminds me of trying to get through what seemed like the 760 episodes of True Detective 2.

Playstation consoles and handhelds are region free so you can import and play games no matter where you bought the console. Developers can opt to region lock their games but nobody does it, with the almost unique exception of Persona 4 Arena (there’s a second region locked game but I forget the name).

It’s good he didn’t return to quaffing Brain & Nerve Tonic or that hat would never have fit.

Unbeknownst to everyone involved the media blackout has been going on since 1997, unless you have ESPN 8 “The Ocho”

Women sports are shit, though. Only ones with any significance are individual sports.

No one cares about women’s sports because they are nowhere near the quality of men’s sports. Sorry about that.

It's more about economics and less about respect. Where is the money to lay down a proper field coming from? who's paying for it?

W2 soon

Yes but men have a undeniably larger physical edge over women. That is not arguable.