
The Vince Vaughn curse strikes again.

You think those Hogan bills are cheap?

Surprisingly still better than the NFL

Did you forget Dragon’s Crown?

Who knows. I’ll keep watching until it’s flag football in a dozen years. Player safety really doesn’t affect my interest in the league. If people were seriously surprised that ramming someone at full speed in riot gear was dangerous then they’re living in some fantasy world.

I think the overall quality of the games is causing the decline in ratings. Eliminating these god awful Thursday night games would fix so much.

Didn’t Cabrera go down the same way? In a much more important game?

Can’t wait to pay another $300 to play Mario Kart and Smash Bros

Eight years after the last installment and they still can’t figure out how to do dual audio or not wait half a year for a localization.

Pretty sure he would’ve been in if they could afford him. Dude was nowhere near this big when the original came out.


He gets more presidential every week.

I’ve got over six thousand credits. Hope I can buy some of these.

Still better than Free

Lucky them

I used to love anime as a kid. FLCL, Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in the Shell— I even still have a soft spot for Dragon Ball.