Having a pocket Ana is the only reason I love picking Reaper. You feel like the actual fucking grim reaper. Heaven help them if I’ve got the Q ready to go.
Witch costume is canon
Just announce the Halloween event already. I want to see Mercy in the witch costume.
How is a “weeb” going to “let go” of the system if that’s the platform that continuously releases games for their demographic? They’ll let go when the games dry up.
Wish granted
Chris looks like fucking Shemp from The Three Stooges. These CG movies are always god awful. Then the other night I saw a trailer for the next Jovovich abortion and just can’t figure out where it all went so wrong.
Hope it’s good. I don’t need the game to save the world, because I doubt they could make anything as powerful as SotC.
A fitting end for this game, seeing as how fucking abysmal it turned out to be. I wish I could go back to a timeline where it still didn’t exist.
Then I say you should definitely go with Infinite Warfare. Personally, I’m just completely burned out on BF at this point. I know it’s just one level, but the beta just reminded me too much of Battlefront.
If I had to choose I’d probably go with IW. BF1 was okay, but there’s nothing in it that I haven’t played a million times before in in the last few games.
Just the way life goes. Lovecraft was a racist, Jackson was forever ruined by a tortured childhood, virtually all of America’s founding fathers owned slaves, our country is built on the blood of native tribes, and iPhones are made in factories where managing suicide rates is standard practice.
Most of the reviews are just “At least it’s not No Man’s Sky”
You’re crazy, Bakemonogatari is clearly the best. There is so much I love about Monogatari, but a lot of it is in Bake. Episode 12 is one of the most perfect things I’ve ever seen. The entire car scene, the talk under the stars, and the perfectly timed ED put it on a whole other level of excellence for me. Will…
Monogatari is my favorite anime series by far. What surprised me was how much I loved Nise after going back to it. It’s the most infamous for obvious reasons, but the dialogue is full of fun and serious foreshadowing. Araragi’s conversation with Shinobu is one of my favorite moments in the whole series. Not just…
What a bitch
Yup. That special edition with the multi disc soundtrack and stuff. Looks cool.
I don’t know where I’d do that. My Japanese isn’t that great, so I’ll just be really enjoying the gameplay and the bulk of the story that I can follow. I’m 100% sure there’s plenty of multilingual streamers waiting to broadcast this.
Can’t wait to play it this month.
I’m not saying they’re all terrible. Adventure Time especially does some really impressive stuff with the simplicity of its design. It’s just more of a blanket statement for a lot of shows on right now. Regular Show for example isn’t the most impressive show from a visual standpoint, but it’s fun to watch because the…