I can't believe all the Dan Harmon hate here. Chase is a malevolent, arrogant dbag; Harmon is just a sometimes-belligerent but pitiable a-hole. I love him.
I can't believe all the Dan Harmon hate here. Chase is a malevolent, arrogant dbag; Harmon is just a sometimes-belligerent but pitiable a-hole. I love him.
Really? Maybe it's because I've been depressed for a long time, but I love Harmon almost as much as I love his characters. I think he's a very sympathetic figure, even when he is kind of belligerent and mopey.
See, I think Chase is the obnoxious kind of ahole, but Dan Harmon is just the sad, lovable kind of ahole. Harmon is like a forty-year-old Charlie Brown.
I don't think there's any way that episode won't be the highlight of the season.
You mean getting… to praying?
It's actually a great, propulsive score, though. Mainly just percussion, ambiance, and that one awesome piano track from the first trailer.
Saw it last night, absolutely insane. Wasn't the best action film I've ever seen, but it almost certainly had the best action I've ever seen. The whole sequence where they drop through the floor was crazy - when Rama hits the guy in the shoulder with the axe, and lifts him up and slams him on his back… There were…
Yeah, I wouldn't put that in the same category as the thought bubbles/etc. That was the highlight of that episode, and an inventive way to depict their foosball battle in an epic, dynamic light. The random little graphics recently have just been distracting.
And I love it!
After the hiatus and all the hype and internet love for the show, it's unfortunately expected that a middling episode will be greeted with all sorts of "WORST EPISODE EVER" moaning. It certainly wasn't a good episode, but it was enjoyably manic and the Troy/Abed stuff was lovely.
I didn't think it was that bad, mainly because the Troy/Abed character work was really, really great. The final scene in particular is a perfect example of how bizarrely tragic Community can sometimes be (see also: Mixology and the very underrated S3 premiere).
Oh, I love that outtake.
That moment, along with the wonderful reappearance of Darkest Timeline Abed, pretty much cemented that I wouldn't dislike this episode.
And her blonde hair looked great on Community. But with that hairstyle, and that dress, it just looks wrong.
Yeah, she looks like a sex doll or an impressively convincing transvestite.
Her ass is the only way I can tell her apart from all the other talentless, B-grade starlets still somehow finding their ways into movies.
If only hearts could fart, the world would be a better place!
Winter's Bone? You mean, "Lots of Tension and then Suddenly Everything is Solved Without a Problem…'s Bone"? What spoilers are there for that film?
Yeah, Damon Lindelof's writing is the only thing that has me potentially worried. It certainly LOOKS beautiful.
I just LOVE that this show has Britta, ostensibly the main-est female character, be so sexually progressive, and depicts it in quite a positive light.