I think Troy and Britta are neck and neck. At this point, both can make me double over with laughter at the simplest line.
I think Troy and Britta are neck and neck. At this point, both can make me double over with laughter at the simplest line.
I hope they use the Breaking Bad style of flashback: just one long scene with a heavy yellow filter, 50% of the shots through water.
Two great Pierce quotes, which is unusual:
My favorite has to be
Holy crap, this made me so happy.
I really, really hope people don't freak out if it's not the best episode ever. I'm just ready to see the group again, I don't need it to be Remedial Chaos Theory.
I used to feel that way too. But I've come to really love the characters (starting with the S3 debut, which is one of my favorites, and the episode that moved me most), so in a weird way, I've found all the comments on this article kind of deflating. It's one thing to obsessively love a cult hit that no one really…
Yeah, @avclub-956685427c5cd9dcb04f784272727336:disqus could take some lessons from Community on self-awareness.
I have a problem with calling it "empty" because there's no objective way to judge the emotional impact of a work of fiction, so it feels unfair. I've been moved to tears by Community episodes before - lame, I know - so, for me, and numerous other people here, it is, at times, a distinctly stirring show.
Ag Club is where I go for all my Objawy Ciazy needs!
After the backlash, and the backlash to the backlash, and the backlash to the backlash to the backlash, and now the backlash to the backlash to the backlash to the backlash, I just started kind of ignoring the fans. I love the show to death, regardless of what everyone else thinks.
Awakenings, starring Robert de Niro, makes me sob for about an hour straight every time I watch it. It was a Best Picture nominee when it was released, but everyone seems to have forgotten it.
This is one of those where the headline sounds for all the world like an Onion article.
Watched Sin Nombre and Sympathy for Lady Vengeance.
So the 1st half will end in early September, and then we'll have to wait 'til summer 2013 for the rest of it? That does not sound satisfying.
I kind of hope the Mayans were right. The world needs to end on a high note.
Too many American films.
You guys seem to be tragically overanalyzing a film that largely boils down to being a simplistic "repressed innocent experiences sexual awakening and becomes a woman" metaphor.
Haha, yeah! Conservatives are all stupid! What a gut-buster!
I really want to write a movie where the bad guy is killed in the end by his mistreated autistic henchman, and then the protagonist says "Hoist by his own retard!"