
The NBA is far superior in this regard. Far.

Popovich and Steve Kerr are also great on this topic. It’s amazing how bad football is even though the racial league makeup is somewhat similar. And yet, most offensive lines in football are one step removed from a Klan meeting.

We have one of these in tennis. His name, oddly, is Tennys (Sandgren). He always gets wiped out before the 4th round of the Slams.

At least he had one to use.

You’re saying he came after Pitino?  Believable. 

He’s just following in the path of the greats.....

I have a naturally high pitched voice, and when I get myself worked up it gets higher and higher until I have to pause and reset because only dogs can hear it. Then I have my professional voice. It’s a little slower and slightly deeper than my natural voice, which is high southern valley girl. My daughter mocks me

A couple of feminist friends took me to task for saying Holmes faked her voice. They said higher octaves don’t help women in the workplace, which I don’t argue with, and she only “lowered her voice an octave,” which in their minds wasn’t fake. I say she lowered it way TOO much, and that’s what makes it fake.

I can’t even imagine having the concentration it must have taken to constantly lower her pitch, for years.

How is any of this relevant to a “professional” player on court threatening a fan physically?  Victim blame much?

Let’s not even talk about the usual suspects of commentors who viciously trolled even their own fellow liberals who called out how odd and suspicious this all looked.

I can’t believe he paid his accomplices by check.  I hope he wrote “For fake assault” in the memo line.

I recently pummeled my testes with a bag of marbles because I was dissatisfied with the Keurig flavors the admin has been buying for the breakroom.

I’m personally hoping that this is an elaborate made-up story to hide something else that he did. It’s a better alternative than having pairs of MAGA bros walking freely around Chicago at 2 AM wearing masks, carrying bleach and rope, looking for gay POC to attack.

Is this like a hyped- up Münchausen Syndrome where Jussie is trying to get sympathy for himself on a massive scale or some weird publicity stunt? And how do u not know there are cameras everywhere and ur movements can be tracked through ur phone in this day and age?

Interesting times we live in when we’re all hoping a hate crime actually took place.

They apparently found the guys by comparing the redacted spreadsheet of numbers Jussie gave them to actual records from his phone carrier and focused on the deleted numbers. Look, maybe you can twist yourself in knots about the other stuff, but I can’t get around that. I don’t think he told the truth. I have no idea

The real moral of this story is: David Stern should’ve killed off New Orleans having a basketball franchise when he had the chance.

The NFL video games guy? Kind of a stretch.

Nice, my insane dream of seeing Joe Pesci don the cape and cowl has moved one step closer to reality.