Seeing that picture of Anderson kneeling reminds me of another qb who is fully capable of playing.
Seeing that picture of Anderson kneeling reminds me of another qb who is fully capable of playing.
Maybe Wallace Loh was playing 6D chess, deciding once the Regents threatened his job if he fired Durkin, he would announce his retirement and *then* fire Durkin, using the outcry anybody but the regents saw coming as cover to get away with it.
I still don’t understand why any of these people went to the mat for Durkin. It’s not like he’a a winning coach.
Good, now fire the rest of them. Into space
To clarify, “sitting” while playing for Thibs means Butler will only play 41 minutes tonight.
Yeah otherwise it would look ridiculous
And she's in heels
I will beat you all with Rodney Peete and the Barry Sanders Sweep!
New England should have seen it coming when Derek Anderson called out “Readyyyy.... down.... HUT HUT HUT HUT HUT HUT HUT HUT HUT HUT”
“Real actors. Not people."
Childhood? Shit, I have that game bookmarked now.
to be fair, the Bills were pretty good in that game.
Wax on, wax off!
You know what’s great? Progressive Insurance’s parody on these commercials.
Look at how long Chevy used the song Like a Rock. A song about a guy looking back at his youth 20 years prior and how strong he used to be.
Eventually there will be a stretch of time where Boston teams are all miserable for a decade and when that happens I’m going to bask in it as much as humanly possible
i do not like dem apples.