
Editor: agrees to be paid $15, multiple different times (it seems)

Commentator called it a “bush league move”? Wtf. When the media is in on the No Fun part of the no fun league, it’s never gonna change.

This reply made me laugh way harder than I expected to

Awww the “These Warriors are fun and cute redemption tour” has already begun

Ehhh... It’s such a nice problem to have, being this awesome fun team with two future superstars and being 3-7. At least half the league’s teams would probably trade places with Minnesota right now, given the long term ceilings of this team and others.


This is a really fun comments section to read now.

So.... When you gonna pay your buddy the $10,000 he's out now, Ryan?

That was stupid.

I read it as “bone” popped out at first for like ten seconds, and the more revealing part about what I expect from Deadspin is first I thought it meant a boner popped out of the uniform, and second I thought maybe a broken bone popped out.

Heck yeah. I live in Texas now but I'm down :-D

Marion, Indiana what whaaaatttt

+1 count of assault

Michael Jordan would have never done this.

A career much longer than expected, and we should all be happy to have enjoyed it for so many dominating years. Hopefully a few more to come.

The Ryan White AIDS story might be it for me, at least from what I can think right now. I was about 6 and he was from Kokomo, Indiana which was about 30 minutes from my town, Marion, so it was an even bigger story.

Best suggestion I’ve read in a long time. The idea of taking every comic book character so seriously has one-upped itself so much over the last decade... But, when I watch most of it, it still can’t put to the side the fact that this is about dudes in funny costumes jumping around and saving the world (and yet still