
The problem is he was their employee. And when your employer says “sorry, your project is too expensive. We don’t see the upside.” THAT’S IT.

It costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to release an album like this. There are are HUGE additional licensing costs to someone like Paul McCartney, and there’s just no market for something like that. People who would be interested in it would just torrent it anyway.

And the fact that it costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to release an album into a market that’s just going to torrent it anyway...


Also, at what point did Activision ever ask him to fork over his compensation??? The termination agreement merely sought to end his term as a stakeholder. This is vanilla, and this shitheel got off easy.

No, that’s not what I’m saying. But it’s an interesting starting position if your goal is to revoke stock options that someone may or may not be taking advantage of in bad faith.

Why was this sperm “wrong?”

This guy sounded like after his employment contract was signed, he alienated his entire staff by bailing on his workload (I’ve never heard of multiple subordinates going over the head of a direct supervisor unless it was getting really real).

dude stood up and disrupted press conferences. He threatened fellow employees to attempt to dissuade them from releasing a trailer.

If I stood up and disrupted a company press conference because my work wasn’t being shown the way it was supposed to be shown, they’d never find my body.


I don’t like her show because it retreads the same tired tropes that have been beaten to death by every single sitcom since Friends. It’s lazy, and all she talks about is how she can stand “toe to toe with any male writer.”

If you have to tell people you’re one of the greats, you’re not.

I was going to make a shitty version of this joke.

No- It bothers me and I just can’t put my finger on why.

1st warning flag would be that this guy spent 15 years as a PA before being trusted as a 2nd 2nd AD on a serious show.

You don’t believe in the US Constitution.

Not enough stars on this. The only sensible comment of the whole bunch.

$1.5 trillion could have fixed education in America. Or it could have build high speed rail connecting every major US city. Or it could have made America pothole-free.