
That Dragon, Cancer’s score was composed by Jon Hillman, and Green decided he had the right to make money off videos using his music “without permission.”

I’m an ectomorphic dude. I actually struggle to not lose weight. I’m relatively smart. Maybe 5'10". I don’t have abs. I DO have a neck. Where am I represented? Maybe I’ll create threads and write letters to make all game Bros look like Snake in the Cyprus hospital.

Photogrammetry and performance capture are the way to go. Even with it low polygon count (relatively) the FOXENGINE shines due to photogrammetry. I mean, why not use an extremely high res photo of a rock for your rocks textures. I want to see it applied to something with a ‘stylised realism’ look. Like Mass Effect or

100%. Watch “Seige of Lothal” a mini moivie between season 1&2. That should show you the shows true tone. It’s always light at the beginning too drag in the kiddos

Man, Sofie Turner is just getting smoking hot.

That kinda my point tho. He shouldn’t have to even try and justify it. When it was BnB Corps it wasn’t an issue. Meryl, Eva? No issue. But NOW, for some reason devs have to justify every choice they make. Games are sterilised or outright not released in US due to “controversy over representation”. Stuuuuupid. Stupid

I just figured it was like, “after you know her full story you’ll feel bad for the comments you’ve made”

What are we talking about again? You’ve moved on to a new point. I don’t need a nerd glossary. The article is about soundtrack rips and let’s plays that are just ppl playing the game in its entirety with no commentary etc. This has led to no one making money except the Youtubers. This is evidenced by millions of views

I think the issue with “That Dragon Cancer” is that ppl aren’t reacting or anything. Just posting video of the game.

BD live was supposed to enable custom commentaries. You’d be able to record and upload the commentary, then people could browse them right from the BD menu. Would be cool if they’d still do that.

I guess if Kotaku was just pointing scripts or complete videos of games with nothing added (commentary, news, satire etc) you’d have a point.

Yeah, except those LPers are offering commentary and personality. You have a reason to watch other than the game. This article is about people just posting soundtrack rips and millions of views on videos with no commentary or anything.

Even if it’s a ‘movie’ it is an active experience, not a passive one. That changes everything.

I get your point. But writing, direction, and player agency are just as important as the voice actor chosen. IMHO, if you choose what games to play based on voice over, you’re doing it wrong.

Well thank God they did!

I think Sons of Liberty has the most memorable OST. Love it!

I figured it was Engrish tlansration of tweets that led to that tweet.

They should call it sterilisation. Cos that’s what they do.

after seeing what the steam controller’s haptic feedback touch pad can do, i will reserve judgement.

Why not Rayman? Or Snake?