He went on Alex Jones, and apparently even Alex Jones was like “Yikes” at some points.
He went on Alex Jones, and apparently even Alex Jones was like “Yikes” at some points.
It’s Billy Ray’s saddest moment since Radical Jack*.
This is a guy that would murder his parents and plead not guilty because he was an orphan.
But why let facts get in the way of your stupidity?
He is so extra straight and cis that he wears women’s lingerie. Don’t you see? (I don’t. ) it’s like how Nick Fuentes is too heterosexual to have sex with women. Truly manly men don’t like women at all.
I guess no one told him about jobs?
I fear my husband every time he eats Panda Express and runs to the bathroom ten hours later.
Or maybe it’s not 1941 anymore, and everyone but you figured out that signing up for war in the 21st century means a bunch of defense contractors get richer and that’s it. You’ll notice wealthy kids like the Trumps or the Kennedys don’t go to war. I guess you missed the lessons of the last few wars.
“Will you become a man to be feared?”
Oh, he plays the same “everything is terrible” game over at Jalopnik. There are a couple of other trolls here that simply live here to try to see how racist they can get away with being, and another one that tries to incorporate some “this or that” about Obama in any weird way he can.
That they lied about her cause of death and behaved as if the vicious beating didn’t happen indicates that clearly some wrongdoing occurred. It was heartbreaking to see her being brutalized while the “friends” recorded and narrated. May justice be served all around.
This is proof positive of my mother’s old saying, “Everybody ain’t your friend.” EGAD! What kind of people are these?
Are you suggesting that if black women are the victims, white women should stand down and shut the fuck up? I guess black women shouldn’t be able to speak out against Weinstein?
I freaking LOVE her. She’s been at it for years and her entire Instagram is GOLD. Emily is missing out if you ask me.
Spudds probably isn’t coastal enough to pick up on that kind of nuance
The people who pay the country's bills.
Satire and sarcasm are both dead on the 2020s internet.
It’s not that we haven’t seen or don’t know how popular something like Yellowstone is. It’s just that it’s absolute dogshit. A soap opera masquerading as prestige television. I think we’re all pretty aware how a show about sociopath billionaire “cowboys” might play well in middle America MAGA country.
These are all the very bad shows. The “coastal elites” appear to have pretty good taste.
Shows with white people for white people.