Get Some Dak Sausage

Lighten up internet cop. I know Stephen doesn't give a shit that I thought the Rockets were going to beat the Warriors (they totally would've too, if CP3 hadn't got hurt). That's part of the joke. You need some happy meds, or at the minimum some caffeine. 

Is that an unseasoned food joke? 


Omg. You seriously are back on that? I thought we were internet comment section friends. 

I can...

Deadly serious, but other white people need to stop these kinds of white people with violence. I’m not saying shoot or stab them, but confront them and if they don’t immediately desist, punch them in the throat. You can’t talk after you’ve been punched in the throat.

Stephen, please don't tell me you're an Alex Jones fan? I was just starting to warm up to your weird trump fetish articles and poopy basketball opinions. I'm kinda sad. Tell me it isn't true?

Back in the day I would’ve sworn on my soul I don’t have a racist bone in my body. Some of my best friends are black and brown, many of mycoworkers and immediate superiors are black, my stepson is black, my wife is brown. My first real gf was black. I’m a freaking basketball coach! I can go literally days without

This is what happens when compassion becomes a rare commodity in society...

1. What’s cultural appropriation?


Yes are you fucking serious with your garbage overreaction? It’s been pretty well documented the odds are slim to none she has Native American ancestry.

I'm team Trump on this one. Calling out one of the greatest cultural appropriators of our time is never bad. 

Connecticut is not a stand your ground state. 

You make jerking off sound like an algebra equation. I bet you're real fun at parties (I'd say in bed, but you know, misogyny and #metoo and stuff)...

Is it just me, or does the Klutch logo look like a hand jerking off the world? That’s exactly the grip one would use...

The real story is how does Lavar Ball feel about all this? 

Tomi, I have to admit, I’m kind of jealous. I almost feel like you’re cheating on me with this fake ass white person. I wish you had spoken to me like that the first time. Maybe we could of been friends instead of mortal kinja enemies... ok, now dismiss me like you always do. Hope you have a good rest of your Friday

Do The Root and Deadspin, don't be scared.