Get Some Dak Sausage

Where did I not all white people a in these comments? And if by me thinking Yesha and Monique are pretty I’m “creeping” then so be it but it has nothing to do with them being black everything to do with them being beautiful. I also think Paul and I are familiar with each other and he probably doesn’t need you telling

Lol yessir

I’m not trying to diminish shit and nice disanalogy with the Trump comparison there. You don’t have to get angry and try to punk everyone who doesn’t agree with everything you say...

I agree with your assertion that white Americans have a responsibility to educate their children about this. I also agree that all to often racism can be a life and death issue. But again, I respectfully disagree that there are “many” people still alive who actually experienced this stuff first hand or that kids today

I don’t disagree with you at all. I’m disagreeing with Nik who said “many” people who lynched someone or watched a lynching are still alive. Is it out of the realm of possibility? No. But are “many” of these people still alive? That answer is also no.

Every year I play Strange Fruit and show a PowerPoint montage of lynching photos in my class. It’s powerful. I have one rule, if you puke, you better not puke in my F’ing room.

Not many people who committed or watched an actual lynching are still alive. I do agree that the shooting of unarmed black men by police is the modern day equivalent of lynching. I am puzzled by your statement “Every White person should want to take their whole family to this museum, because it’s Amerikkkan history.”

In all fairness to this Ghost fella (or woman), I thought you were a dude for about a year...

You are obsessed with me... it’s unhealthy.

Tomi, did hell just freeze over?! Have we finally found common ground? Wtf is going on, I’m so confused???

Yeah but do you enjoy ESG or DJ Screw?

Out of the greys for you thoughtful person

Off topic, I think your username is dumb and kind of homo-erotic. Why would you create a username showing off your obsession with Michael Harriot? Please disregard if you’re a female or a gay male.

Reverse discrimination? Lol I think you’re on the wrong website...

You can call me a troll all day, but if you actually took the time to read her comments and mine, you’d see I’m right. You’re so ignorant.

No, never. I’m a high school teacher and pretty successful coach.

I second this. This lady is trash.

1. I fail to see what my ethnicity has to do with you calling the cops on a group of young black men for nothing, even though you claim you fear for their lives. Guess you’re not that concerned about their lives. And nice diversion, trying to inject my ethnicity into your narrative about you trying to get some black

And cue every raving smarmy loon sharing their hot takes, declaring all those on the right evil and that all those on the left should condemn all those on the right, ignoring, in their faux outrage, that crazy knows neither right or left.
