Get Some Dak Sausage

Lol perfect

 Hell yes I was, I see I have a fan! Glad I wasn’t there. That would’ve landed me in some hot water!

For future reference, you need to stay off Tomi’s and my comments. Tomi doesn’t like white people and doesn’t need some uppity white person sticking up for her, and your fake internet outrage bores me.

It’s lunacy to paint all whites with the same broad brushstrokes cuz of one crazy white person just like it would be lunacy if I judged my black friends based off of your crazy all talk but do nothing ass.

That is factually incorrect.

 I’m starting to think it’s a Russian troll that is trying to stoke racial flames for Putin. Seriously. That’s the only logical explanation.

If it’s so worthless, why even comment? Nevermind, don’t answer that. Just dismiss my comment like the troll you are.

You can’t carry guns in certain places even with a permit. I know a business that makes 51% or more of its profit from alcohol (a bar), and I believe churches, are a few examples but I could be wrong.

Serious question, you’ve advocated killing white people in a revolution, so how do you plan on doing this? With your fists?

Tomi deletes any replies to her that don’t fit her aluminum hat wearing narrative and then puts the author on her “troll” list which unfortunately holds some weight with some of the less intellectual commentators here.

I don’t hate you

You have twice as many white friends as I have friends!

I would’ve put two in his chest.

What you wrote is nonsensical...

I use to teach algebra...

No sir. The offensive side of the ball is for women and babies.

Pattern of behavior. I wouldn’t want my wife or daughter around him.


Lol I’m not a troll and I only have one account. I would actually argue I’m one of the few whites on here not pandering for likes or trolling, but that’s a discussion for a different day. Have a great rest of your day.

 I’m getting a lot of credit for shit I’ve never thought or said on this one. All I’m saying is they are both guys who you’d let date your daughter, and both could contribute to an NFL roster but are untouchable. The comparisons end there.