Oh! It's in the Sacramento listings.
Oh! It's in the Sacramento listings.
It's for sale again.
Got listed today on craigslist for $7222
Just thought I'd throw that one out there.
I'm guessing it's like food tray drifting with FWD cars...?
Impossible. I've never been excited to see a Fisker Karma. It really has nothing to visually distinguish itself from all the other swoopy looking shit on the road.
Hot Damn, that thing's ugly.
I pretty much disagree with this entire list.
Never wanted to buy a new car until now.
A Little Hideous?!
What makes me laugh is motorists who have great disdain for cyclists, and then have the audacity to complain about being fat.
Dude, as soon as I saw the title of this story posted on FB, I knew immediately what I was going to post.
What horrible, horrible, WONDERFUL noises!
I agree.
Enduro is one of Activision's best on the venerable 2600.
I have a combination Racecar and Volkswagen boner.
The dreaded transmission replacement in a mk1 or mk2 Volkswagen.
Word up.
I hear that.
While I wont profess to be the perfect cyclist (I've been known to blow a stop sign or two) but the reality is; a bicycle is not obligated to maintain the speed of traffic, isn't allowed to ride on the side walk, and for safety sake, ride four feet away from parked cars.