...right when I think the Camaro couldn't sink any lower... BAM! Florida happens.
...right when I think the Camaro couldn't sink any lower... BAM! Florida happens.
Most modern VW's are just as bland and shapeless as every other bloated and uninteresting car being made today. Not gonna back pedal on my opinion of Lexus owners. If you're going to spend that kind of money on a car; buy one that's worth owning.
Idunno, tasteless people? People that don't like driving? People that would rather buy a Detroit D-Bagger car over something interesting and capable of going around a corner and doesn't weigh as much as a neutron star?
Life experience is based largely in regret. If 10 years from now, my moto-dui comes back to haunt me, that's just how it is. I did something so stupid, it borders on incredulous, and I should never be allowed to forget it. Lucky for me, I didn't do any damage, hurt anyone, or inconvenience anyone (except myself) so no…
The answer is simple: Don't buy a new car.
Senna. All other suggestions are invalid.
I have always believed that retribution for stupidity should be swift and painful... Like instant karma. If you do something this phenomenally stupid, I think EVERYBODY needs to know about. Hopefully, the public ridicule will make you so self conscious, you'll make sure to never do anything stupid ever again.
So, if it's not one or the other... it must be boring.
I remember them protesting Gay Pride in San Francisco a number of years ago. People were throwing empty (an partially full) bottles, rocks, dirt, thongs, and (no joke) tampons at those West-Bonehead dipshits... the cops didn't do anything to stop us.
Nah. The Sky doesn't have enough character to be ugly... it's just four wheels and some dodgy looking plastic.
I will agree that the Lincoln Town Car is a giant lump of snore.
Just sayin' that the Sky isn't interesting. It's as bland as the MR-2 Spyder, but less fun to drive.
Hey, I can't be held responsible for everybody's complete lack of taste.
Okay. The LFA isn't boring... it's ugly.
Why would I be trying to make friends with people who's only common bond with me is that we read the same automotive blog?
I've built 2 dune buggies, a go kart, and a roll cage for my friends race car with a tubing bender, grinder, cut-off wheel, and welder I bought at harbor freight. The projects turned out great! Not exactly to my high standards, but they were totally functional, and the sketchy factor was pretty minimal.
I beg to differ, sir. I'm exposed to dozens of 300's every day, and they are just dry as plain white toast. Pimps used to have taste (re. 1978 Cadillac El Dorado).
You're not taking into account that they are all BORING.