Hopefully, viewing Murder at 1600 is not the only reason to know the address of the White House.
Hopefully, viewing Murder at 1600 is not the only reason to know the address of the White House.
And yet, here you are.
"I touched the butt!" - Nemo
Could you please be more specific?
From now on, I think I'm going to play that as background music while I work.
"Instead of going to this playground, I think I'll go to the Y."-MCA
I read that as Rectalfly and threw up on my desk.
Put'em on the glass!
Tuner & Hooch - About a young modifier of Japanese compact cars and the illegal alcoholic beverage that he enjoys.
Just. Fucking. Die Already.
Dude, some EXLAX might help with that constipation problem. You seem a bit irritable.
Ohh, so sorry. You failed to read the preceding posts before commenting and, thus, have failed miserably. Please turn in your AV Club Commentariat card and proceed to the delousing station.
Sorry to hear that your grandma can't watch 'live' stuff anymore.
"I get my car back any differently than when I gave it, Monster Joe's gonna be disposing of two bodies." - Quentin Tarantino
"Do you think you can do this without me getting shot this time?" - Governor John Connolly
@avclub-f1cabca05a9a64dd5900cf947a6792ca:disqus You don't have to be shot into monkey shit with a cannon - the monkey's will gladly fling it at you.
All units in the vicinity, and 1- Adam 12, 1- Adam 12, domestic dispute, Code 2.
Now he'll NEVER show up.
Yeah, that goatee isn't doing her any favors.