Also brought to you by the letters A 'n' L..
Also brought to you by the letters A 'n' L..
Colonel Jim Bowie.
Colonel Jim Bowie.
Yeah, I couldn't care less about the song, but Brian May's guitar solo rocks.
Yeah, I couldn't care less about the song, but Brian May's guitar solo rocks.
There's a vas deferens between his glans and yours.
There's a vas deferens between his glans and yours.
What about CPR?
What about CPR?
Comment removed whenever I see Anne Hathaway.
Comment removed whenever I see Anne Hathaway.
HAHA, you said 'masticate.'
HAHA, you said 'masticate.'
Damn, fast zombies. I hate fast zombies.
Damn, fast zombies. I hate fast zombies.
Clearly, it's a Falcom that comes around once in a thousand years.
Clearly, it's a Falcom that comes around once in a thousand years.
Why? Is he going from Jermaine to Eye-gor?
Why? Is he going from Jermaine to Eye-gor?
One bad apple don't spoil the whole bunch, girl.