
You are misusing it. That is for WRX owners to keep the hat brim crispy flat.

“this year”

Now, I’m not talking about it’s offroad prowess which stands for itself -- and is often how the press tests it as well. Reality is people pay stupid amounts of money for something they will never take offroad, just for looks. 

The Tacoma is a dog ass terrible pickup, the cult following is just that- a cult. Gutless engine, bad transmission tuning, big time dive & squat from the suspension, cramped cabin, awful infotainment.... but at least they’re expensive.

I’d also like to throw all Teslas in the ring. In my experience, they drive just

Does this have a sibling? You gotta watch out for two utes.

I bet these commuters on the 101 did Nazi that plane coming.

People are just dying to ride in one.

He knows what he’s got.

Q: In the event of a crash, will you be impaled by trim pieces?

That’s actually a re-bodied Golf.

I’m with you on the “M1stang” badge. The correct branding is “Mx5tang,” obviously.

“Customization aside”?!?

10/10 would daily

Buy it, sell the interior, do some prep work, and beat it at your local LeMons race until it begs for death. Then beat it some more.

I think you could fit up to 6 dead hookers in there...

No one ever trains for these situations.

Do you really have to ask?

Has external speakers to simulate the jake brake

Can’t wait for the Cummins fanboys to start with the decals mocking other electric car brands.