
“The outcome of both (all) bombings was horrific, but the thought of a single weapon killing hundreds of thousands of people is terrible.”

Again, so what? Destruction is destruction, however you achieve it.

Why is it even the slightest bit worse to be told you’ve been exploded to death by one of several thousand 10-ton bombs than a single 10 kiloton nuke?

There also was a very very real possibility of open ground conflict between US and its European allies and Russia for a few decades after WW2. There isn’t really any threat to open ground war with China, and they don’t have the naval power to actually start a conventional war with us across the Pacific. I’d also like

It ended the war, an invasion of main land Japan would have meant millions dead on both sides. It might have been horrific, but if it wasn’t as bad as it was, it would not have brought about the surrender.

Psychologically, sure. But the actual damage? Dresden was just as bad as either Japanese city.

You ask the people of Japan back then and they would have told you the fire bombings were far more terrifying.

I really don’t see that as a major difference. Dead are dead, how they got there really doesn’t matter that much. We now have fuel-air munitions that are single conventional weapons that are nearly on-par with those early nukes.

Were Hiroshima and Nagasaki REALLY more horrific than the firebombing of Tokyo and Dresden, etc? Modern conventional armaments are pretty horrible too.

oh man i didn’t even see the 90's in the title for some reason. my bad. Just saw the headline at work and got excited about KOTOR. haha,. 

Kotor wasn’t released until 2003....

Yeah, he’s not kidding.

Seriously! Kinda like the time he told everyone he was going to land a rocket on a barge tail first! Oh, wait...

Falcon Heavy is planned to be the most powerful rocket ever made when it hopefully launches in January 2018"

Slight correction but the Falcon Heavy won’t be the most powerful rocket ever made, only the most powerful in current use. The Saturn V will retain that title until Musk’s BFR takes to the skies.

What your sayyid that even Musk doesn’t want to replace the batteries in a Tesla roadster and this is the fastest way to be rid of the thing.

I can’t believe that Mars is getting its Roadster order sooner than I get my 3.

Here we are reading about it and commenting on it. Doesn’t seem so pointless.