“Could someone explain what this all means?”
“In the end, it seems more practical to sail them back to shore, its simple and it works.”
“Ensuring that it would be able to descend on land would mean more fuel used to travel to a point where that would be feasible.”
“It is a simple matter of orbital mechanics to change the landing point.”
“For Californian launches they actually do and have landed it on the ground.”
“In a simple answer, they have to because of the amount of fuel used to get SATs into LEO (Low Earth Orbit) and higher.”
“I don’t think anyone (in any state, really) wants a rocket to “land” in their state.”
“Maybe if they launched from Texas or something and landed in Florida it would be more practical, but that might be too large of a gap”
“1) rocket fuel is really, really nasty stuff you don’t want splashed around on a tarmac if you fuck up a landing”
There was a post on Reddit this weekend where someone e-mailed the director of the plasma magnetoshield program to discuss that very concept. It turns out the velocities aren’t high enough for it to be viable. You’ve got to be going much faster for the drag to be significant enough. It’s more applicable to aerobrake…
“Right now they only fire the center motor anyways, so the efficiency of the burn is relatively high.”
“But what they plan to do is after it lands on the barge, fuel it up on the barge and have it fly back to base.”
“Also, those two first boosters are also dumping their fuel into the center booster”
“Heavy is 3 9's strapped together, but with a cross-flow system installed for all of the fuel tanks.”
“when they have to go to LEO and higher.”
“huge waste of fuel”
What is the SAR training based on?