
“huge waste of fuel”

What is the SAR training based on?

Absolutely. That a big difference from the 1930's to now.

“Considering the labor disputes and multiple claims of being forced to work off the clock to avoid overtime, maybe there does need to be some oversight.”

“Name one thing that’s better.”

Thank you for explaining the illusion. If you hadn’t I would have stared at this all day thinking “OK, I see a cigar stuck in the wall, what am I missing?”

“What 700mph vacuum trains? That’s the point.”

“This is taking public money and flushing it all down a hilariously expensive toilet”

“Most people are not craven and/or horny enough to watch a video whose participants are begging you not to view it. Most people don’t suck.”

As long as there is boning in cars, there will be a niche that can only be filled by the rockin’ Dasher GIF.

Other pearls of wisdom from the same prognisticator:

The new Starfire may suck, but Michele Lee’s daughter is awesome.

The NIH is bigger on the inside.

If he produces a flying car, I expect he will do so before Paul Moller does.

While it’s true that what SpaceX (and NASA, they are collecting a lot of data on Falcon 9 re-entry) learns from Falcon 9 landing is something they plan to apply to Mars landing, I don’t believe that’s the main reason.

“Can someone explain to me why it’s so important to land these rockets like a backwards launch instead of using a parachute?”

As a mixed-race light skinned afro-hispanic, I’ve taken crap from people all my life when they didn’t think I “dressed black enough” or I don’t style my hair “Mexican enough,” or I “talk too white.”

Bubble is not at all burst - I’d still expect a similar tweet from Musk, it’s how he rolls.

“So how do you downplay it? Simple!

“If the home appreciates more than you’ve paid in mortgage, interest, taxes, and maintenance over time, you’ve earned a return, or you break even.”