Olga Mikhailov

I'm with you on almost all of this, but I wanted to point out that the closed-captioning couldn't identify Berta's language because it was literally a made-up language. There were a few Spanish words in there interspersed with nonsense. The writers must have thought it was a great joke when really it's quite racist.

She's not a bitch. She's a *basic* bitch, someone who is incredibly mainstream, boring, and without quirks. In other words, someone who's insufferably beige. Historically, we know people like that drive Lorelai insane.

I agree that she doesn't have the *right* to take anything out on Sherry, but since when has that stopped us mortals? She is incredibly angry and bitter about what happened. Chris obviously deserves to be the target of her ire, but she has feelings for him and can't bear to do much more than shut him out. Sherry is a