The Cruel Shoes

I didn’t get why people didn’t understand her clothes. She’s Gen Z, and a lot of Gen Z clothes are loud and clashing, with a lot of retro late-90s/early 2000s throwbacks, and her character is a bit lost in her life, not knowing where to go. Her wardrobe is the result of the costume department doing its job.

Yeah except Jezebel is recommended to Kotaku readers, many of whom tend to fall in the contrarian, edgelord alt-right gamergate category of shitheel. This type of stuff is fuel for flaming sewage.

I spent my Saturday night making homemade nachos and catching up on White Lotus Season 2

Sooo, *can* you actually buy a butt plug at Target now? That seems like a pretty big and important point you left out.

That pretty much confirms they can't stand her.

Saturday, Donny, is Shabbos, the Jewish day of rest. That means that I don’t work, I don’t drive a car, I don’t fucking ride in a car, I don’t handle money, I don’t turn on the oven, and I sure as shit DON’T FUCKING GO TO YOUR WEIRD GIRLFRIEND’S CHRISTMAS PARTY!

My hot take that no one asked for:

In the scuffle, she injured six deputies, biting one of the arm and breaking the skin, and kicking another in the groin

It’s always projection with these pieces of shit. Every fucking time. 

Man those cop exams are really weeding out the crazies, aren’t they?


She then quoted a Rumi poem: “Yesterday I tried to change the world. Today I’m wise, and want to change myself.”

She allegedly was so cerebral when she found out when the trial was and was pregnant and had a young infant at the beginning of the trial, and now she’s pregnant before jail. How convenient. pregnancy don’t get sympathy, woman. Your company fucked up a shit ton of folks lives, making a woman thinking she was

“They don’t put attractive people like me in jail...

...unless they defraud other rich people.”

There, fixed it for you. She’s right the justice system is a joke - but she misunderstood why. 

She always make me think of that scene in My Cousin Vinny where Joe Pesci is explaining to Ralph Macchio how the prosecution’s case is like a playing card. It seems impressive if you look at it at exactly the right angle, but at any other angle you can see that nothing’s there.

I don’t know why I’m shocked that I live in a world in which she is considered pretty...

This is a reminder that the only crime that the wealthy and powerful will be held accountable for are those crimes that financially hurt other wealthy and powerful people. She fucked around with wealthy investor’s money and found out.  

Once you get outside of Denver or any of the mountain towns, the rest of the state is full of redneck ranchers.