The Cruel Shoes

More of a Top Gear Hammerhead Eagle I-Thrust than a Chevy Volt. 

I find coverage of said youtubers even more tedious than the stunts.

Should be Lee Carvallo’s Putting Challenge

Good.  He deserves any and all bad shit that happens to him.  Fuck him.

Hey Luke! The guy in the suit is a prop maker who goes by SinisterPropz! He is me, feel free to check out socials under that name.

Every conversation I’ve ever had with a lawyer about those waivers is that they’re basically worthless if you have a lawyer who’s at least minimally competent.

Yeah, that seems like a foam pit that’s either shallow or weirdly hard for foam.

Is there a pool on how long it takes to get stolen?

Kick her the out of the country. Convicted of a felony, violated her visa… Just send her back to Germany & be done with it.

V12 Toyota Century. It’s incredibly rare, even in Japan, has an understated but noticeable presence. Even though most people would likely not even know what it was, they would realize it is something special. 

Yeah, I agree with this.  While I think there are some people that use their family as their brand, I think it happens just as much that people project that label onto them, which I will say is the case for Mulaney and Reynolds.

There’s a story that a woman once asked Voltaire if he knew that coffee was a “slow poison”. His response? “I think it must be, ma’am, for I’ve been drinking it for eighty years and I’m not dead yet.”

She probably believes it to be true - which is not surprising as she has a history of being a cult member.

I know a man who claims his daughter made him a feminist. Yet, he wouldn’t vote for Hillary in 2016. Darn it all, he really really really wanted to vote for a woman, just not that woman. Leading up to 2020, I was asking him about all the Democratic women running for president. Unsurprisingly, he had a problem with

Can we also get rid of the #GirlDad shit as well?

Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out.’


T-pain to Gamers: “Touch grass.

I sincerely hope everyone is paying attention and understands the assignment this November. 

In fairness, they built, own, and operate the factory.