My anxiety has abated. Thank you!
My anxiety has abated. Thank you!
Yeah, there are certain wrenches I always buy 3 of. It saves me from myself!
10mm is always the mismatched socket in any set I own - because I lose and replace it so frequently, or I end up putting a 10mm in a toolbox and forget to replace it in a set. This is the way.
Have you seen Joe Biden from 15 years ago?
What the actual f....
I thought the film was great, too, but I had a hard time relating to the core conceit of inner tween turmoil over disappointing my parents... ‘cause I never felt that as a kid, I guess.
I thought the film was great, too, but I had a hard time relating to the core conceit of inner tween turmoil over…
This is the answer. Thank you!
Honestly, I don’t wish anything bad on them. At the same time, I have no interest in whatever passes for controversy in their lives. I shall not watch.
Yeah, well, Jews are a race of people. Being a Jew is absolutely something that you inherit.
There is plenty of scientific evidence for it - learned behaviors becoming genetically imprinted on successive generations regardless of the experience of those later generations. It’s a fascinating topic.
Welcome to our little club! Try to stick with a season... and watch as many races as you can, week after week. It will either be your very last season or it will be the very first of many. Once you get used to the 4-6 drivers that come from teams that have a shot at placing, you’ll be able to fast-forward through…
I like your style.
Yes, I think so, though it might cause the universe to fold in upon itself and wink out of existence.
I don’t really care what happens to Elon Musk, personally.
Yeah, there’s no threat of war in there, no uproar. It’s a pretty level reading of the facts.
If you’re looking for good blow, talk to Madison.
I’ll never buy a Ford or any car made in Germany.
What article are you commenting on? There’s no “saber-rattling” here, no “uproar” - not anywhere. The article is about the loss (by theft) of leased planes to the tune of ~10 billion simoleons. That’s it.