The Crimedog

This is episode is criminally underrated, something even the critic finally admits. Outstanding TV, an Emmy should await for the Great Jonathon Banks.

100% agreeā€¦. amen


Gearing up for his 40th Bday party?

Because Adam seems to have a moral compass, despite his various flaws, and unlike the 4 Girls, he feels like a somewhat realistic, albeit eccentric human being.

Heaven forbid the show takes the spotlight off Hannah to develop any of the other Girls!

It takes time, even to sub, at good private schools, at least it did10 years ago when I was looking into it. More unbelievable to me though is that she's walking around with no sleeve tats revealing outfits, and within 5 seconds of stepping into the teacher's lounge she has a date with the Jim Halpert 2.0 guy.

The art show onwards was some of the worst TV I've seen, not a single believable moment, one insane little incident after another.

I take it this is graded on a very generous curve, this was an awful episode. I'm pretty sure the critic is aware that it is too, if one reads a little between the lines.